
本篇報告描述一歲德國牧羊犬遭飼主勒吊後,導致嚴重缺血性腦損傷的病狀特點。這隻狗在訓練中遭到飼主懲處,作法是用P字鏈把牠吊離地面。起初狗兒行為正常,不過行動越來越不協調,開始往左直繞圈圈,並且意識不太清楚。神經學檢查顯示,牠嚴重喪失方向感,左半側身體角弓反張(pleurothotonus,譯註:背肌的强直性痙攣,致使腰背反折,身體後仰如弓狀),神經學發現符合多處腦部損傷的症狀。磁共振造影掃描顯示,T2權重影像和擴散權重影像(diffusion-weighted imaging)出現改變,符合缺血造成的嚴重腦水腫症狀。由於這些臨床症狀,狼犬之後接受了安樂死。據作者所知,這是第一篇因勒狗引起嚴重腦缺血的報告。

The features of severe ischemic brain damage after strangulation by the owner of a 1-year-old German shepherd dog are described. The dog was disciplined by the owner during training by holding the dog off the ground by his choke chain collar. At first, the dog behaved normally, but he became increasingly ataxic and started circling to the left and showed reduced consciousness. The neurological examination revealed severe disorientation, left lateral pleurothotonus, and circling. The neurological findings were consistent with a multifocal brain lesion. A magnetic resonance imaging scan was performed and showed changes in the T2- and diffusion-weighted images, consistent with severe cerebral edema resulting from ischemia. Because of the severity of the clinical features, the dog was later euthanized. To the author's knowledge, this is the first report of a severe brain ischemia after strangulation in a dog.




P字鏈的種類很多,有尼龍布的,有皮的,有鐵的,因為它的設計,使用時它能夠留在狗狗頸部的上方,耳朵的後面,不易下滑到肩膀部位。這是最重要的功能,這個部位最容易限制狗狗的行動 (限制牠頭轉動的方向)。

它的附帶功能是狗狗暴衝拉繩的時候會「縮緊」。不了解 P 字鏈用法的人會把這附帶「縮緊功能」當作主要功能。認為當狗狗暴衝時,鏈子縮緊就會「逞罰狗狗」,然後因為逞罰而可以制止狗狗暴衝的行為。這是不正確的想法與用法!



(Journal of Veterinary Behavior -Clinical Application and Research)



黃薇菁 (Vicki)
美國舊金山SPCA 動物防虐協會訓練師學校訓練及行為諮詢認證訓練師
美國Karen Pryor Academy認證響片訓練師
《別跟狗爭老大》、《別斃了那隻狗!》及《與狗對話 認識犬類安定訊號》等書之譯者